Predictive Growth Solutions - For Dentists

Performance Based Marketing.
It works or you don't pay.

• Only pay for verified new dental patients

• Low risk, we invest in you

• Simple and trustworthy reporting

We are so confident in our results, you only pay per patient after their first office visit. No one else can deliver that!

What We Do

If you’re looking to grow your practice, you’ve found Shangri-La. We’ve mastered new patient acquisition to  predict and control your growth. Click below to find out the details of how we do it.

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Our Pricing

We’re so confident in our abilities we have a 100% pay for performance model. We charge nothing until after we can prove we’ve helped bring a patient in your door. Intrigued? Click below.

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Our Reporting

We offer the most sophisticated and yet  simplest reporting in the industry. We can track a patient from first click to phone call to in your chair and beyond. Learn more about our reporting here.

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Working With Us

Since we’re essentially zero risk to try, and the best at bringing you verifiable success, we’re pretty sure you’ll come to the conclusion you’d like to get started. What happens when that happens? Find out here.

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Take a look at what our clients say.


Carolina Crossroads
+1.5 million

“Ascent allows me to grow to my goals. If we get too busy, we can slow down. When I’m ready to grow again, they deliver predictable growth.“


Salinas Valley

“Thanks to Ascent, I went from a small single practitioner to multiple locations with many associates.“

There’s just no comparison

Questions? Schedule a 15 minute demo
to speak with a Marketing Specialist.

Predictive Growth Strategies
© 2022 Ascent Predictive Growth Strategies
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